
2 minutes after the gord downie cd ended

I was stuck. You were moving, love and grease so dry and heaving, Kick a barn door down with your boot. Velvet vermouth martini and the great big moose. Yard waste rake leaves so forceful this gale, my laundry spinning in a kitchen fan sucking air from my nose, I was hungry all afternoon till I reached your stovetop. Thanks for feeding me, that was me huddled by the side of the road, arms around knees rocking back and forth. My wheels wobbly and hands freezing in the wind, no gloves to cover up dire and apprehensive, you left your name and number with my secretary. I need a drink to feel calm again, I’m addicted to the plateau – bouncing across the radar like a hypothetical electron. I became unstuck by my own pluck and bootstraps.

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