
the monosyllabic meaning of loof

(yes, precisely)

the meaning of loof

the loof is a fish
a bit of a fool
it squawks when it talks
and pukes in its food

the loof likes to pry
and buy lots of pie
fresh from the shop
where pies like to dry

'poof' goes the loof
when it tastes a fat fig
and the loof has a pig
that can dance a pig jig

I once met a loof
at a sad loof show
this loof hit the roof
when I made him eat crow:

"I don't take dupe,
from a moop of a guy,"
the loof said to me
when I poked out his eye

and "don't cross a loof,"
did the loof whine thus,
"cuz if you mess with us,
we'll mess you all up!"

and some loofs ARE a mess
they got crap in the tank
best not to test 'em
(best to leave the space blank)

but a loof is a thing
that's hard to put down
when a loof busts out
it burns the whole town

the loof is a bitch
a big old wreck
it cares not a whit
it feeds you the dreck;

so watch for the loof
and don't rock the boat
loofs are quite mad
they'll kill your pet goat

cuz the loof is a goof
a bit of a doof
as it hums and it drums
in the al fa bet soup

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