hot bath bird heart attack hacker
coatcheck chicks seek dickhead chatter
word to you and yours
barroom hookah baby, lips pass back and forth
drags long, lungs nose mouth in and out rose-water from a hose posh apple spice stare at us in the martini-margarita dark - so nice.
down one till 12, magic man deals pickup tricks
karoake, electric boogaloo, request to croon sweet lou - but no dice, no place for rumblin my rusty rad pipes
pizza pie under lights too bright, crust so thin, supermodel grin
matador till 4, rock-country stompers, lady-bass so butch, me reluctant dancer
paper rock scissaux just another random episode, pass poles to the chateau giggle as we go
ope door, drop to floor, drunken snore, sleep till eleven or the boom! bell brings brunch
this is fuckin' awesome
ro sham bo baby, ro sham bo
ro sham bo? is that a lady, or a lullabye?
ah. must be a yankee thing. I like.
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