to clear up the confusion re- 'You're still smarter than I (am)'
'than' isn't a preposition; a prepositon (like 'to' in 'He spoke TO my wife and ME') demands to be followed by 'me' b/c me is the object form of the pronoun and all prepositions should be followed by objective forms. A comparison doesn't take the objective form because the verb 'to be' is implied and the verb 'to be' needs a subjective completion; hence 'I'.
You're still smarter than me...
smarter than I
I get that confused with 'The President spoke to my wife and I/me.'
See, that proves you're smarter than I
to clear up the confusion re-
'You're still smarter than I (am)'
'than' isn't a preposition; a prepositon (like 'to' in 'He spoke TO my wife and ME') demands to be followed by 'me' b/c me is the object form of the pronoun and all prepositions should be followed by objective forms. A comparison doesn't take the objective form because the verb 'to be' is implied and the verb 'to be' needs a subjective completion; hence 'I'.
holy white-nosed elvis!
you got smarts.
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