
Hey guess what—

I almost forgot: today this blog is 3 years old! First ever post was here.

Aside from accidentally retiring on my 27th birthday, I have tried to remain true to my inauspicious yet completely self-important beginning.

After 3 years and 688 posts, I still get a kick out of hitting the 'publish' button. I still think it's hilarious that I get to publish whatever the frig I want. Sometimes I look through the FIAC archives and I am shocked, bewildered, heartened and besorrowed at the dragon-fire.

Whoever writes these cupcake things can't be mentally sound, can he?

I'm still dying to find out :-).

How will it end?

I have no idea!

Why do you do it?

That's easy - for the pelican man.

Who is the pelican man?

C'mon. You already know.

Um, ok... What's with the recent penchant for lists?

Hmm, I dunno. I came back from a Cayman Islands vacation in an extraordinarily refreshened state. I hope it's not just a Feb 2007 thing.

I think March 2007 will be just as fun. My goal is, as always: self-sustaining laughter following self-deprecating tears, tossing my party through the air on the wings of a pelican...


Anonymous said...

Happy 3rd birthday!!

Bobby said...

Lists could be a new literary form. Definitely blogging is a new literary form.

Except that it's not.

But it is.

Shit man, writing is writing, right?

I'm reading some literary theory lately . . . pray for me. Prey on me.

keed said...

big up to bloggers and then......